woonasquatucket river watershed council

2023-2024, graphic design | WRWC is a nonprofit based in Providence, Rhode Island that works to restore, conserve and build community along the historic Woonasquatucket River. I designed interpretive signage, plant identification guides, and the 2022 and 2023 annual reports. In the 2023 annual report, I designed a cutout map of the Woonasquatucket River that runs along the margin of the spreads, highlighting WRWC’s ongoing and planned projects along the river.


2022, architectural design, drawing | These drawings were created for the RISD summer studio Design With Nature, taught in São Miguel, Azores. Daily assignments involved sketching and interpreting local landscapes into architectural ideas. For the final project, I worked as part of a group to design and build a model of a butterfly house for a local farm.


2021, data visualization | For my Urban Theory and Practice course I designed study to test students’ sense of direction. I collected data at two of Brown’s main dining halls—Andrews and the “Ratty”—by asking passersby to point to which direction they thought a particular familiar landmark was. They “pointed” by moving an arrow on a circular disc with degree measurements (for data collection purposes) but no indication of cardinal directions.

I selected six landmarks at varying distances (all within 1 mile) from data collection sites and asked students at both sites to make their best guess of their locations (if they were unfamiliar with the landmark, they did not make a guess). I then plotted each guess in yellow on a map and plotted the median guess (minus outliers) in red.

Predictably, the results showed diminishing precision and accuracy at farther distance. But the median guesses also revealed group biases about directional relationships between landmarks. In some cases, the majority of guesses were consistently north, or south of the target landmark. The presence of physical barriers (highways, rivers) also influenced the results.


2021, architectural design | This house was designed for Introduction to Architectural Design Studio at Brown University. Inspired by the large chimneys in traditional Acadian homes of Nova Scotia, this small house takes a riverine shape that mimics the tidal rivers of the Bay of Fundy, while still providing all the comforts of modern Canadian life.


2019, graphic design | Rainforest Partnership is a nonprofit based in Austin, Texas that works with Indigenous communities in the Ecuadorian and Peruvian Amazon to conserve biodiversity and sustain traditional livelihoods. I designed their 2018 annual report highlighting their ongoing projects and key progress metrics.